- Fire Prevention & Forestland Improvement -
Background - Equipment - Links - Cal Poly - Legacy - Ranch
Does your land look like this? Conifers are choked out by brush and the entire area is fire prone?
We can help with our Timbco 445 and Quadco Brush head. This combination is extremely productive and capable of operating on steep slopes by utilizing the cab leveling functions. This machine can be productive on slopes of 30% and more. The machine is designed for a Feller Bunching head utilizing continuous flow hydraulics so with multiple hydraulic cooling functions overheating is not a problem.
Below you can see the treatment in the foreground and what the cover looked like previous in the distance.
After the lightning strikes of 2008 fire breaks have become a more desirable thing to have on large parcels. This machine can produce fire lines in a very economical way, while saving conifer regeneration, applying ground cover in the form of ground up wood, does not disturb the dirt and you don't have big piles of brush and dirt when you are finished.
Forest Land improvement can also be achieved with this machine. By removing the competing brush and undesirable species we can help the conifers excel with less competition for sun and water. And do this with little to no ground disturbance.
Please contact us for more information